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Dear Parents and Carers,
It's Catholic Schools Week and the theme this year is, 'Follow Me'. Last week our Student Leaders travelled to Newcastle to celebrate Catholic Education with all 58 schools across the Diocese, and on Wednesday, our students gathered in Mackillop Hall to reflect upon the theme and what we can do as individuals and together to follow in the footsteps of Jesus through the care and love we show for others and the environment. The leadership skills of our Yr 5 students were shining brightly.
Another way we shone this week was through our School Choir performing at the Manning Entertainment Centre. With the skill of Mrs Clifton, our choir has gone from strength to strength and we are so happy to have this option as part of our school community. Sadly, but in another way joyous, we farewell Mrs Clifton for a little while as she prepares for the birth of her baby. In a stroke of good fortune, Miss Reynolds has returned to take the majority of music lessons on Monday and Tuesday, with Ms Shannon taking over Mrs Clifton's classes.
This week, the Tell Them From Me Survey link was forwarded to you, our parents. The information we take from this survey is really important for our future planning and the feedback our staff receive from our Dicoese. Over the next few weeks, we will be hounding our parents with reminders to take the time to complete the survey. We ask our families to complete this survey every two years to see how we are going in achieving our goals and what new areas we need to focus on. Thank you for your contribution.
The first enrolment period for Kindergarten 2025 has now closed. We were pleased with the number of applicants and letters of offer will be sent out to families on June 14.
Holy Name has a Pupil Free Day in the calendar for June 11, the Tuesday after the upcoming long-weekend. This day is led by an Education Officer from the Religious Education & Spirituality Team and is called, 'Follow Me! A Path of Service'. This day supports the achievement of our school improvement goal and aligns nicely with the work we are doing with students to connect their understanding of service with practical examples of serving others in our community.
The first day of Term 3, Monday July 22nd is also a Pupil Free Day. All staff from the Manning Region Catholic Schools will be working together through a course called 'Crossing Cultures, Hidden Histories'. This is part of a continuum of learning to build our Cultural awareness and understanding.
Over the next few weeks I will become a 'nana' as I welcome my first grandchild. Please keep my daughter in your prayers during this time.
Yours sincerely,
Brooke Stephens
National Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week
Sunday marks the commemoration of National Sorry Day across Australia and is the beginning of National Sorry Week.
National Sorry Day is observed on May 26th each year in Australia. It is a day of remembrance and reflection dedicated to acknowledging the historical mistreatment and injustices suffered by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, particularly the Stolen Generations.
National Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
We will commemorate National Sorry Day on Monday morning with a liturgy. Mrs Williamson has organised information and activities to be shared in our classrooms during the rest of the week.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Our PBL focus for the past fortnight has been Sitting Calmly and Quietly.
Class awards will be given out on Monday.
The following students received Principal's Awards:
Fin Newman | 1N | 20 surfboards |
Evie Johnson | 1N | 20 surfboards |
Oscar Atkinson | 4Q | 40 surfboards |
Callen Ridgeway | 4Q | 40 surfboards |
Ryan Matlawski | 4Q | 40 surfboards |
Arden Cassar | 2S | 40 surfboards |
Olivia Sleiman | 4Q | 60 surfboards |
Bryce Quillan | 5H | 60 surfboards |
Eli Lea | 5H | 60 surfboards |
Congratulations to all our award winners. For the next fortnight our focus will be Listening.
Grip Leadership
Our Year 6 leaders travelled to Club Forster yesterday to take part in the GRIP leadership day. There were many other students from different schools in our region. The children participated in various activities and learned some valued leadership skills.
Our school garden is looking fabulous at present and we are harvesting produce for the community kitchen.
HNS Athletics
Last Thursday, we held our HNS athletics carnival at Tuncurry Oval. It was a beautiful autumn day for the event and the students had lots of fun and competition. A big thank you to Ms McKinnon for her organisation of the event and to all the staff who ensured the day ran as smoothly as possible.
Ms McKinnon has been unwell this week, so a full report will be included in the next newsletter.
Rugby League
Tarickai Smith, in Year 6, has been chosen to play in the Polding Rugby League team. He will travel to Wollongong later this Term to compete against all the other Diocesan teams in NSW. Good Luck Taz!
Event Notes
When notes for events are sent home, they have a date that they need to be returned by. Could I ask that families be more vigilant in this area and get the notes back by the due date. It is very difficult to organise events when students are returning notes and/or money right up until the morning of the event.
Tell Them From Me Survey
This survey helps us to strategically plan for the future. We really value your contribution to our school community from all our families. The staff have completed their version of the survey this week and the students in Years 4, 5 & 6 will complete the survey next week.
"Follow Me" - Catholic Schools Week
On Friday 17th May, Zac Te-Racki Pitfiled and Chase Brooks travelled with Mrs Banham and Mrs Williamson to Newcastle to attend the Catholic Schools Week Liturgy in the Sacred heart Cathedral. Bishop Michael Kennedy celebtated this liturgy. We were ushered to the very front seat of the cathedral and did not miss a thing. What a most uplifting experience it was for us all.
We were led in song by Genevieve Bryant and choir, songs we later used in our school Catholic Schools Week Liturgy. These songs had us not only singing but following actions. Bishop Michael's homily on the dignity of ourseleves and for each other was poignant and reflective. Further to this we were called to make a written committment of how we can follow Jesus showing dignity to others in our lives. We then placed our committments in the isle on a piece of fabric which spanned the entire length of the cathedral.
Holy Name's Catholic Schools Week Liturgy
The theme for this year's Catholic Schools Week was "Follow Me". For Jesus' disciples, when he called them to follow me, they dropped what they were doing and left their lives behind, to follow Jesus. In doing this, they learnt His ways, to love like He does, and to serve the poor and outsider like He does.
Year 5 led Holy Name's Catholic Schools Week Liturgy. Each student participated during the liturgy to share today's meaning for "Follow Me". WE learnt that by working alongside our classmates and teachers we can love and serve those in our community to fulfill the mission given by Jesus. This attitude of service and caring for the whole person will continue to be a pivital focus at Holy Name through the work we are doing in the Mission and Justice.
Congratulations to Yr 5 and their teachers Miss Shephard and Mr Hassett for leading us through song aand prayer. It was a meaningfull liturgy for us all, calling us to action and service.
What is National Reconciliation Week?
The dates for NRW remain the same each year; 27 May to 3 June. These dates commemorate two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey— the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision respectively.
Reconciliation must live in the hearts, minds and actions of all Australians as we move forward, creating a nation strengthened by respectful relationships between the wider Australian community, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
We all have a role to play when it comes to reconciliation, and in playing our part we collectively build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.
“Now More Than Ever”- About the theme
The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder to all of us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue.
There have been many moments in Australia’s reconciliation journey that make us want to turn away. But when things are divisive, the worst thing we can do is disengage or disconnect.
Now more than ever, the work continues. In treaty making, in truth-telling, in understanding our history, in education, and in tackling racism. We need connection. We need respect. We need action. And we need change.
Now more than ever, we need reconciliation.
Our National Reconciliation Week Liturgy “Now More Than Ever” will be held on Monday 27th May at 9:00am in our school’s MacKillop Hall. You and your families are most welcome to attend. Before we begin this liturgy we will stop to acknowledge National Sorry Day, held across Australia on Sunday 26th May.
Over the week each of our grades will participate in a range of activities to deepen their understanding of what reconciliation means and just how in their relationship with Country, students may show greater respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Also, in these lessons we incorporate and connect each grade’s Catholic Social Teaching with reconciliation and learn how to build relationships and communities that value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories, cultures, and futures.
The Parish Confirmation Program continues on 27th May, Monday afternoon. Mrs Williamson walks the Holy Name candidates to the Parish Hall at 3:10 for afternoon tea and then commence the lesson at 3:30pm to 5pm. Families then join us in the Church for Fr John to run through the Confirmation ceremony.
All candidates will need to notify the parish office of the confirmation name they are taking and their sponsor for confirmation.
Children will be confirmed by Bishop Michael Kennedy on Friday 7June at 6pm.
Our Parish Assembly is happening!
After our Parish Reflections last year we are now preparing to have a Parish Assembly on Sunday 26th May after the 10am Mass. At the Assembly we hope to establish some new initiatives which will help our Parish to move forward and evangelise into the future.
What YOU need to do: Come along on the 26th May and participate in the process, so please put it into your calendar now so that you will not miss out! We will have morning tea after Mass, then have our Assembly followed by a light lunch.
For catering purposes, please indicate your attendance in the sheet in the church.
Participants are asked to bring a plate to share for morning tea.