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Dear Parents and Carers,
We were very excited today to invite our grandparents to a special liturgy and picnic lunch experience. Grandparent’s Day is in honour of the wonderful gift grandparents are to our lives and occurs in accord with the feast of Joachim and Anne, Jesus’ grandparents. The love, wisdom, generosity and care our grandparents bestow on us is immeasurable and its effects life-giving and life-long. Research shows that our life expectancy overtime has increased due to the influence of grandparents in our lives. Thank you to all grandparents who were able to share this special day with us. I hope you enjoyed the extra cuddles and time with your grandchildren. To those who were unable to be join us, thank you for the roles you play in making our children’s lives rich and meaningful. Thank you to our Kindergarten team and Mrs Williamson for organising today’s liturgy.
The last two weeks have been filled with activity and learning. I was in awe of the students who performed in this years’ Aspire production and congratulate Nanma Joy on her stellar performance. We celebrated Mary MacKillop’s feast day with prayer and had students participate in the Diocesan Athletics Competition with great sportspersonship. Thank you for representing Holy Name with pride. This week we have been working on fostering relationships.
I am pleased to inform you that our yarning circle is taking shape. You may have noticed the transformation taking place when you do back gate drop off or pick up. Thank you to David Mills and his co-workers who are working on the project. Lara Went will be very excited to see it when she returns from her holidays.
I would like to acknowledge the great work that Mrs Amato and the gardening team do each week to grow and harvest fresh vegetables and herbs for our community kitchen. The quality is outstanding.
The next two weeks are gearing up to be quite busy. We have guest speakers for Stage 3, literacy assessment for Year 6, Book Week parade, Book Fair, school photos, Father’s Day breakfast, Wellbeing Week and special visitors from diocesan principals and for our Annual School Review.
Holy Name will host speakers Melinda Tankard Reist and Dr Marshall Ballantine-Jones who will be presenting to Year 5 and Year 6 students on Monday 19 August 2024. These age-appropriate sessions will focus on respectful relationships.
Melinda is an author, speaker, media commentator, blogger and advocate for women and girls. She is best known for her work addressing sexualisation, objectification, harms of pornography and violence. Marshall specialises in online sexualisation education, bringing over 25 years of experience working with children, youth, and families. The student session will be tailored to a primary school context.
These student sessions are in addition to the invitation to parents and carers in our recent Compass notification, hosted by St Clare’s High School, Taree. I have included the link if parents from other grades are interested in participating. Increasingly schools across Australia are seeing challenges that can stem from students navigating an online world that is ever evolving. We recognise educating our students in this space is a shared responsibility alongside parents and carers and are pleased to take a proactive approach and discuss these broad topics with our Year 5 and 6 students in an age-appropriate way. Melinda and Marshall deliver factual and powerful messages, and we understand that, for some, this content may be confronting. Please contact the school if you have any concerns.
On Wednesday the Primary Principals of the Diocese will have their term gathering at Holy Name. They will be meeting in our school hall and visiting classrooms as part of their visit. I look forward to our choir singing to them as part of our prayer. On Thursday we will have 15-20 people from the Diocese visit out school to conduct an annual review. They will use data from Tell Them from Me, NAPLAN, PAT, attendance, enrolments, finance, building inspections and education officers to ask questions of the executive team as well as present their thoughts on our data and the direction for the school’s improvement plan. Although I have only been at Holy Name a short time, I am very confident that this visit will be positive as the data is strong.
Please be reminded that school photos are taking place in Week 6 and students are expected to be wearing full formal Winter uniform. Please read about other happenings in this edition of the newsletter.
I look forward to seeing you for the upcoming events.
God Bless,
KT |
Abby Gardiner & Wyatt Godbolt |
KM |
Taylor Quinn & Jett Tull |
1M |
Remi Miller & Deon Jith |
1N |
Rocco Retke & Kristel Lakin |
2S |
Oscar Garr & Anika Tan |
2L |
Matilda Harvie & Johnny Black |
3M |
Alfie Laidlaw & Will Naughton |
3W |
Tane Te Raki-Pitfield & Hallie Clark |
4H |
Noah Adamson & Ruby Trunley |
4Q |
Joshua Matthews & Grace Rinaldi |
5S |
Levi Miller & Grayson Wood |
5H |
Elijah Suckling & Eden Lucenti |
6M |
Airlia Coulton-Donnelly & Caleb Younani |
Principal's Awards:
Amillia Hackett |
1N |
20 surfboards |
Corrine Widjaja |
1N |
20 surfboards |
Robyn Wyldman |
1M |
20 surfboards |
Rudolph Bergagnin |
1M |
20 surfboards |
Ashton Howard |
4H |
20 surfboards |
Darcy Dabovic |
4Q |
20 surfboards |
Vincent Croad |
1N |
40 surfboards |
Deon Jith |
1M |
40 surfboards |
Remy Miller |
1M |
40 surfboards |
Oscar Garr |
2S |
40 surfboards |
Sophia Sleiman |
3M |
40 surfboards |
Eniko Tan |
4H |
40 surfboards |
Anna Brooks |
3M |
60 surfboards |
Arlo Haywood |
4H |
60 surfboards |
Grace Rinaldi |
4Q |
60 surfboards |
Mila Newman |
4H |
80 surfboards |
Ruby Trunley |
4H |
80 surfboards |
Piper Webb |
4H |
80 surfboards |
Georgie Hippe |
4Q |
100 surfboards |
National Week of Action Against Bullying
This week HNS has acknowledged the National Week of Action Against Bullying. We began at assembly on Monday morning looking at a Powerpoint and video around the 2025 theme of Everyone Belongs.
We looked at our school motto, "Concern for Others" and discussed what this meant in regards to choosing the right thing to do.
We talked about the need to stand up for what is right and look after ourselves and each other. We also talked about bystanders and how being a bystander is as bad as being a bully.
The students then participated in learning throughout the week around diversity and acceptance.
Pupil Free Day
Our final Pupil Free Day will occur on Monday, September 2nd. The staff will be working on strategies to engage our students in positive work habits and Surface, Deep and Transfer Learning through the research of Michael McDowell.
Our HNS cheerleading team competed recently and had great results!
Next Fortnight at HNS
Monday 19/8 |
Stage 3 Respectful Relationships seminar |
Wednesday 21/8 |
ASPIRE Team coming to work with Year 6 Diocesan Primary Principal’s meeting at HNS ICAS Science test |
Thursday 22/8 |
Book Week parade Annual School visit from Heads of Services CSO |
Friday 23/8 |
ICAS Spelling test |
Monday 26/8 |
Well Being Week School photos – classes and individual |
Tuesday 27/8 |
School photos – sport Heart to Heart exhibition |
Wednesday 28/8 |
Father’s Day stall ICAS Maths test |
Thursday 29/8 |
7.30am Father’s Day breakfast |
Grandparent's Day
Our Grandparents' Liturgy was celebrated today, Friday 16th August at 11:30am. It was a day where we acknowledged the importance of grandparents in our lives. Congratulations to Kindergarten and their teachers Mrs Monks and Mrs Tull for helping us to celebrate with our grandparents.
Father's Day
We invite our fathers and father figures to our annual Father’s Day BBQ Breakfast on Thursday monring 29th August at 7:30am in MacKillop Hall for a breakfast burger and sausage sandwich for children. As a special treat we have arranged a coffee van to be on site for any dad's wanting to buy their favourite choice of coffee. Children are invited to play games on the playground with their dad's following breakfast before then heading into work.
Building Partnerships and Catholic Culture
Father's Day, Mother's Day and Grandparents Day are important days annually set on Holy Name's school calander. It is an opportunity to celebrate our school family and the importance they play in our partnership to building our catholic identity and catholic culture. Through our focused learning of Catholic Social Teaching and call to service through action, these school days of celebration allow our school community through a liturgy, song and a meal to reflect our respect for the diginity of each person, a sense of Christian hospitality and strong interpersonal relationships.
Parish News
Sacrament of Eucharist
The Sacrament of Eucharist preparation will begin in Term 3. Please read the information below.
Children in Yr.4 who made their Sacrament of Confirmation in Term 2, 2024 are able to now register on the Forster Tuncurry Parish website for the Sacrament of Eucharist.
Children in Yr.5 and Yr.6 who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation in Term 2 2024, can register for Eucharist. There was a fallow year for sacraments in 2023. If in Term 2 2022 your child received the Sacrament of Confirmation and did not receive Eucharist, he/she is also able to register to prepare for Eucharist.
Yr. 3 children who have made their Confirmation in Term 2 2024, will next year be eligible to prepare for the Sacrament of Eucharist.
Preparation dates for Eucharist will be:
Monday 9th September and Monday 16th September in the Parish Hall from 3:15pm until 5pm. Following the second preparation afternoon at 5pm until 5:45pm parents join their children in the Church for Fr John to explain the ceremony for the Sacrament of Eucharist.
Families will be able to register which one (01) Mass they wish their child to receive their First Holy Communion: Saturday 21st September 5pm, Sunday 22nd September 8am or 10am. Ctrl + click on this link to register your Mass
Genevieve Williamson
Religious Education Coordinator.
Great Learning Happening in Year One!
Each fortnight we like to put a spotlight on the great learning happening in a particular grade in our school. In this report the spotlight is on Year One.
In English, the Year One classes are engaging in their reading lessons with a high level of engagement and motivation. The students are enjoying having their own copy of the class decodable reader each week, which enables them to use the reader during group sessions and practise reading the text at home. The decodable reader the students have week is linked with the class sound focus which assists the students in building their knowledge of more complex letter sound combinations. Each day students read the class reader with their small group to build reading fluency and work towards their goal of reading a target amount of words per minute. Students take part in a daily dictation within their groups where words containing the sound focus are included in the sentence the students need to record.
During writing our Year One students are learning to construct quality sentences to respond to their comprehension questions from their shared text. Over the past fortnight teachers have been modelling how to identify the author’s purpose and find noun and verb groups within the text. Next week the Year One teachers will introduce persuasive texts that will have the students discussing language such as opinion, how an author convinces a reader of their opinion with supporting reasons and the difference between fact and a personal opinion. The students will have fun playing oral language games of ‘Would you rather?’ where the students will argue their opinion on a topic. For example, ‘Would you rather own a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?’.
In Maths, Year One been focusing on patterns such as counting in 2s, working with odd and even numbers. Students showed their understanding of patterns through their use of shapes to make tessellating patterns. Students have also been working on their subtraction skills where they have used number lines to represent their answers. Next week the students will be working on their understanding of equal groups.
In Science, Year One have been working on a unit titled ‘Energy Comes in Different. In this unit, the students have used their senses to explore light, sound and heat energy. Students were then introduced to the elements of close observation and scientific drawings. The students had fun making popcorn and used their senses to smell, touch and hear the way the heat changed the popcorn kernels.
Well done Year One students and teachers keep up the awesome work!
K-2 English Reading Groups
As you may be aware our Kindergarten to Year 2 Reading Groups have been going strong since their implementation in Term 1. This continues to involve a team of Classroom Teachers, Learning Support Staff, EALD, Aboriginal Education Workers coming into the classroom and supporting individual groups to work on Phonics, high frequency work identification, work on heart words (words that have tricky spelling and unique sounds that need to be learnt by heart) reading of the decodable reader, comprehension and a set dictation. The wonderful part of this process across our K-2 classes, is that students are working in small groups with other students of a similar ability which enables the teacher is able to target specific skills that need to be developed. At the end of last term, teachers from Kindergarten to Year 2 made changes to the structures of their groups during our Professional Learning Teams meetings in response to the current reading data we had collected. It was so pleasing to see that due to the consistent work on improving student fluency there was impressive growth in the reading data.
In Year One some groups have been ready to be extended and are now working on a developing their understanding of different comprehension strategies through a variety of different activities. Year 2 have made the most significant and exciting change where by they have a large group of students who are working on the 3-6 Reading Pedagogy where they are focusing their lessons on results from the reading assessments. Lessons focus on reading comprehension from factual texts and address areas like noun groups, author’s purpose and detailed retell.
Mrs Suzie Monks
Primary Coordinator
Mini Vinnies
Mini Vinnies are always quick to respond when help is needed, showing remarkable readiness for any challenge that comes their way. Whether it's organising food for a breakfast club, assisting with community events, or supporting those in need, they are always eager to step up and make a difference. Their willingness to contribute and take action is truly inspiring, as they consistently work to brighten the days of others, bringing a sense of hope and positivity to everyone they encounter.
We meet fortnightly often for a meeting of action, we commence with an acknowledgement of Country, and a prayer, which this year has been The Together Song. This fortnight we have focused on getting ready for Wellbeing Week in week 6, and we look forward to helping contribute to the Wellbeing of students and staff.
Breakfast Club
I’d like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our Mini Vinnies helpers, who continually show up to make a difference. Our Breakfast Club offers a cozy start to the week by warming students' tummies and hands with toast and Milo on Mondays, especially now that winter has set in. This welcoming initiative ensures that students begin their day nourished and ready to learn, creating a sense of comfort and community as they gather for a quick and yummy breakfast.
On Wednesdays, our Fruit Club takes over, providing fresh, delicious fruit to students, thanks to the generous donations from Catholic Care. This midweek boost of vitamins and energy helps students stay healthy and focused. We also thank Catholic Care for their ongoing support, ensuring that students have access to nutritious food throughout the week.
Art Club
During the first lunch, Art Clubbers have continued to focus on their weaving skills. an This activity is sometimes challenging to begin with but once students have a handle on the rhythm of the weave they are so proud of what they create. It engages students and encourages them to express their creativity while engaging in different art form, which is also excellent for concentration and fine motor skills. Besides weaving, the club offers a peaceful space where students can draw, color, and collaborate on posters, fostering a supportive environment for artistic exploration. To keep providing these enriching experiences, Art Club kindly requests donations of wool if you have any at home that you no longer need. These contributions will help sustain our projects and inspire our young artists.
This fortnight, our school hall was filled with the joyful sounds of lots young friends who joined us for playgroup. This lively gathering welcomes early learners with their parents and grandparents, offering a wonderful opportunity to play, create art, and share stories together. The session also includes dancing and a delightful morning tea, creating a sense of community and fun. Playgroup takes place every Thursday from 9 to 10 am, providing a warm and engaging environment for our youngest learners and their families.
Heart to Heart
Our Heartists have completed their artworks and this week enjoyed a creative afternoon making invitations for their upcoming Art Exhibition. It has been a joy to watch this group of girls grow, connect, and get to know each other better through this art-based program. This week using our conversation starter cards, we also shared a person we look up too, these cards have prompted thoughtful and open hearted discussions in our group and it has been a joy to travel the Heart to Heart journey with these girls. Next week we will have one last art class before our Exhibition the following week. We look forward to sharing the girls' amazing artworks with their loved ones and friends on Tuesday, August 27.
Wellbeing - Holy Name School TV
SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that can support you in the challenges relating to modern-day parenting. This award-winning resource helps build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for young people. It can assist in starting conversations on topics that are sometimes awkward or difficult to tackle.
The above link will enable you to engage with a wide variety of topics that may interest you.